Our Communities

As the largest private-sector employer in Cameroon, more than 50,000 individuals depend on our success.

Our Communities

Our business has become a crucial source of employment and training in South Cameroon, bringing together a diverse workforce from the skilled tappers and agronomists in the field, to the mechanics and laboratory technicians in the factories, to the doctors and teachers in the communities.

We recognise our responsibility as a modern employer to work alongside our colleagues and their family members, providing these 50,000 people with housing, healthcare and education. Daily necessities and community infrastructure is provided and maintained across our Cameroon communities, including family housing for 50,000 individuals, 58 government-certified schools for 11,100 students, 2 hospitals, as well as sport and community facilities.

Social Action Plan

This 5-year programme supports the socio-economic development of over 40 local and indigenous communities neighbouring our Cameroon plantations. Community consultations and the resultant initiatives have been implemented by local NGOs. Focus areas include: funding, agriculture, education, health, access to drinking water, and the preservation of the indigenous Baka culture.

So far the initiatives have included the coverage of school fees, healthcare campaigns, the construction of boreholes, funding for the protection of 60,000 ha of forest, and direct investment into the indigenous Baka and Bagyeli communities.


We strive to ensure that the products delivered to our customers originate from sources where it is sustainably and responsibly cultivated, harvested and processed. This is promoted by our sustainability policies, developed in partnership with Rainforest Alliance and Mighty Earth.

We also connect our customers to FSC-certified product and provide support in building FSC supply chains, ensuring positive community relations and workers’ rights.


We are a proud signatory of the United Nations Global Compact. This framework aligns companies with ten universal principles, including human rights, labour and anti-corruption commitments. These commitments mobilize us in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


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