Policies & certificates

The effective management of quality, environment, energy, health and safety represent key markers of our success.

Responsible Development

We accelerate positive change for the rubber industry through the development of industry-leading policies, whilst ensuring that our actions are verified by 3rd party industry certificates. Our sustainability policies are fully integrated into our supply chain, whilst regularly reviewed for continuing suitability and appropriateness.

Sustainable Natural Rubber Supply Chain Policy (SNRSCP)

The natural rubber supply chain includes industrial plantations, smallholder farmers, dealers, processing plants, manufacturers and distributors.  Our SNRSCP, developed in partnership with Rainforest Alliance and Proforest, is our commitment to promoting, developing and implementing the sustainable and responsible use of natural rubber throughout our supply chain. 

Sustainable Sourcing Policy (SSP)

We strive to ensure that the products delivered to our customers originate from sources where it is sustainably and responsibly cultivated, harvested and processed. This policy, developed in partnership with Rainforest Alliance, extends the Company’s in-house sustainability standards to its business partners across Human Rights, Land Use Rights, Environmental, Responsibility, Business Ethics and Transparency and Supply Chain Traceability criteria. 

The accompanying Implementation Manual supports our suppliers in aligning with the SSP through a time-bound roadmap of 150 pragmatic actions and reporting. The SSP has been received by 129 suppliers, with more to follow going forward (January 2023).

Our Certificates

The following certificates relate to the activities of Corrie MacColl Limited,  Corrie MacColl Plantations and Kelvin Terminals. Please note: these are uncontrolled copies, and further information can be provided by our teams.

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