
Education begins with empowerment.


Recognising that the growth of society depends on the quality of education imparted, we take responsibility for creating safe and nurturing educational environments. Over 11,100 children benefit from 54 schools across nursery, primary and secondary level. These schools operate as French speaking, English speaking or bilingual schools and, at later stages, include Catholic and Technical schools. Surrounding schools also benefit from financial contribution towards teacher salaries and learning material.


 The primary aim of our education programmes is to stimulate curiosity for lifelong learning across many fields, equipping children with the confidence to become responsible and integrated members of society. At later stages, we encourage students to further their studies, whether at university or in internships. As a pathway to cultivate practical skills and gain insights into the working world, more than 865 students  embarked on academic and technical internships across Hevecam in 2018. Employment opportunities are also offered upon graduation, catering to a broad range of skillsets. Over 60 former students currently work in the Hevecam office, adding to the 1000 former students dispatched across the hospitals, nurseries and factories.


As part of our commitment to maintain community infrastructure, the last year has seen classrooms built, roofs repaired, bathrooms added and furniture distributed. Recently, primary school children admired the unveiling of their renovated multilingual school, Les Fleurettes D’Andjeck. As well as the child-friendly paintings and illustrations decorating the external walls, electricity and bathrooms were added. 

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